Turkish Meals

Turkish Meals

Turkish Meals

Adiyaman Mobility. 4th Day

Our last day in Adiyaman has been plenty of new experiences and time for discover new places in this amazing country. Our day has started at school receiving our certificates of assistance. Later we have departured to the Atatürk Dam the biggest one in Europe. It was really amazing!. Finally we have traveled to Şanlıurfa, to visit the Fish Lake. A enormous garden where the legend says that Abraham was killed by fire. According to the legend, the fire becomes a lake and the wood becomes fishes. A really nice place plenty of big and sacred fishes.

The day after we departured to our own countries. An exciting and emotional good bye at the airport demonstrated the strong links created between our students during these days.

Adiyaman Mobility. 3rd Day

Today we have had a meeting with the Local Authorities to share with them our opinions about this lovely, warm and kind country. Before the meeting, teachers have made a work-session to evaluate the mobility and the activities recently ended. After the meeting with the authorities a bit of free time and at 16:ooh gone for a pic-nic.

We have arrived to an amazing green zone next to Adiyaman, plenty of pine trees, fresh air and tasty meat. Our partners have offered us a typical barbacue in this bucolic area and our students have enjoyed a lot eating and playing with the ball. In fact, we have felt so comfortable that we have finished almost at 22:00h.

Adiyaman Mobility. 2nd Day

Today has been a very exciting day. We have started our journey visiting the City Museum of Adiyaman to learn  about its important History. Later we have walked to the city center, we have visited a Mosque near the museum and we have explored the zoco in  Adiyaman.

After lunch at school we have climbed to Nemrut Mountain, the most important archeological area in this region and has been declared by UNESCO as World Heritage Site. We have felt the History that those amazing ruins hide inside them. Furthermore  we have enjoyed taking pictures to the incredible heads of ancient gods.

Finally we have had dinner beside the Euphrates in Khata near to Atatürk Dam. A very tasty fish has ended this special day, plenty of History and marvellous experiences that we will always keep in our hearts.

Adiyaman Mobility.1st Day.

We all, Italian and Spanish crew, have arrived to Adiyaman in the same flight at 11:50. Our beloved Turkish partners were waiting to us with wellcome signs and very happy of meeting with us. Firstly we have visited the school and they have invited us to a nice lunch. Later, some free time to know the hosting families and rest a bit, because we have had a long trip from our countries to Adiyaman.

At night we have been surprisedd with a marvellous wellcome party with live music played by the school students. We have shared and enjoyed a delicious home made dinner, with music and dancing typical from Turkey. Moreover we have been interviewed by local TV to speak about our experience in Adiyaman.

Everything is perfect and we thanks to the Turkish teacher the magnificent wellcome event that they have organised. Look at the pictures and enjoy as we did it.

Marine Devaud and Marine Guiffard explain how to prepare crêpes


Leo and Hugo : le croque monsieur


Tarte au citron meringuée by Lisa Tedeschi

Tarte au Citron Meringuée:

    Pâte sucrée:

    200g de farine

125g de beurre

  50g de sucre

  1 œuf

  Un peu d’eau froide

  Sucre Glace pour la déco

  Appareil au citron 3 citrons (jus + zestes)

  3 œufs entiers

  150g de sucre en poudre

  30g de beurre




3 blancs d’œufs

1 CS d’extrait de vanille

150g de sucre en poudre

1 pincée de sel



La pâte sucrée :

  Dans un robot, mettez la farine, le sucre et le beurre froid coupé en morceaux. Actionnez jusqu’à ce que le mélange ressemble à une poudre grossière. Ajoutez l’œuf, mélangez puis un petit peu d’eau froide et actionnez jusqu’à ce que la pâte forme une boule.

Disposez un grand morceau de papier sulfurisé dans le moule à tarte. Je vous conseille d’étaler la pâte de suite sur un plan fariné puis de l’abaisser dans le moule à tarte . Et de la mettre au frais pendant une ou deux heures. Ainsi, elle ne se rétractera pas à la cuisson.

Dans les chutes de pâte, découpez des étoiles à l’aide d’un emporte-pièce de petite taille. Percez-les avec une fourchette afin qu’elles ne gonflent pas à la cuisson.

Disposez-les tout autour du bord de la tarte. Appuyez bien pour faire tenir les étoiles, à l’aide d’un doigt humide. Le papier sulfurisé dépassant du moule doit aider les étoiles à tenir.

 Après le moment de repos, préchauffez le four à 180°C. Disposez du papier sulfurisé recouvert de haricots secs par-dessus la tarte et faites cuire à blanc pendant 12 à 15 minutes.

 Au terme de la cuisson, retirez les haricots secs et le papier sulfurisé du dessus. Laissez refroidir.

Saupoudrez les étoiles avec du sucre glace.


La crème au citron :

 Pendant le temps de refroidissement de la pâte, réunissez dans une casserole le jus et le zeste des 3 citrons, le sucre et les œufs entiers.

Cuire sur feu moyen jusqu’à ébullition et sans cesser de mélanger avec un fouet. Au bout d’un moment, vous sentirez que le mélange s’épaissit. Retirez du feu et incorporez le beurre, continuez à bien fouetter jusqu’à ce que le beurre soit bien incorporé.

Versez l’appareil au citron sur le fond de pâte refroidi. Laisser reposer (« croûter ») 10 minutes.


La meringue :

 Dans un grand saladier, montez les blancs en neige ferme avec une pincée de sel. Puis ajoutez le sucre et l’extrait de vanille et continuez à battre vite pendant 5 bonnes minutes, vous sentirez que le batteur rencontre de plus en plus de résistance.

A l’aide d’une poche à douille, dressez la meringue sur la tarte au citron.

Faites dorer sous le grill en surveillant très attentivement, la meringue dore très vite et peut rapidement brûler.

Mettez au frais pendant 5 environ 5 heures



  For the Crust:

¾ cup (180 mL) cold butter; cut into ½-inch (1.2 cm) pieces

2 cups (475 mL) all-purpose flour

¼ cup (60 mL) granulated sugar

¼ tsp (1.2 mL) salt

⅓ cup (80 mL) ice water


  For the Filling

2 cups (475 mL) water

1 cup (240 mL) granulated sugar

½ cup (120 mL) cornstarch

5 egg yolks, beaten

¼ cup (60 mL) butter

¾ cup (180 mL) fresh lemon juice

1 tbsp (15 mL) lemon zest

1 tsp (5 mL) vanilla extract



For the Meringue:

5 egg whites, room temperature

½ tsp (2.5 mL) cream of tartar

¼ tsp (1.2 mL) salt

½ tsp (2.5 mL) vanilla extract

¾ cup (180 mL) granulated sugar



For the Crust: 

     Make sure all ingredients are as cold as possible. Using a food processor or pastry cutter and a large bowl, combine the butter, flour, sugar and salt. Process or cut in until the mixture resembles coarse meal and begins to clump together. Sprinkle with water, let rest 30 seconds and then either process very briefly or cut in with about 15 strokes of the pastry cutter, just until the dough begins to stick together and come away from the sides of the bowl. Turn onto a lightly floured work surface and press together to form a disk. Wrap in plastic and chill for at least 20 minutes.


Allow the dough to warm slightly to room temperature if it is too hard to roll. On a lightly floured board (or countertop) roll the disk to a thickness of ⅛ inch (.3 cm). Cut a circle about 2 inches (5 cm) larger than the pie plate and transfer the pastry into the plate by folding it in half or by rolling it onto the rolling pin. Turn the pastry under, leaving an edge that hangs over the plate about ½ inch (1.2 cm). Flute decoratively. Chill for 30 minutes.


Preheat oven to 350ºF (180ºC). Line the crust with foil and fill with metal pie weights or dried beans. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Carefully remove the foil and continue baking for 10 to 15 minutes, until golden. Cool completely before filling.


For the Filling: 

   Bring the water to a boil in a large, heavy saucepan. Remove from the heat and let rest 5 minutes. Whisk the sugar and cornstarch together. Add the mixture gradually to the hot water, whisking until completely incorporated.

Return to the heat and cook over medium heat, whisking constantly until the mixture comes to a boil. The mixture will be very thick. Add about 1 cup (240 mL) of the hot mixture to the beaten egg yolks, whisking until smooth. Whisking vigorously, add the warmed yolks to the pot and continue cooking, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil. Remove from the heat and stir in butter until incorporated. Add the lemon juice, zest and vanilla, stirring until combined. Pour into the prepared crust. Cover with plastic wrap to prevent a skin from forming on the surface, and cool to room temperature.


For the Meringue: 

Preheat the oven to 375ºF (190ºC). Using an electric mixer beat the egg whites with the cream of tartar, salt and vanilla extract until soft peaks form. Add the sugar gradually, beating until it forms stiff, glossy peaks. Pile onto the cooled pie, bringing the meringue all the way over to the edge of the crust to seal it completely. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until golden. Cool on a rack. Serve within 6 hours to avoid a soggy crust.

(pour les doses anglaises, je me suis aidée d’un convertisseur, sur internet)